Monday, November 28, 2016

Accessing DB2 Mainframe (z/OS) from PHP

To access DB2 on Mainframe (z/OS), no special DB2 library for PHP is required. However, a DB2 ODBC driver must be downloaded from IBM and installed. A driver may be downloaded from the IBM web site:

For example, "v9.," may be used.

After downloading it, unzip it in C:\Program Files\IBM.

Once unzipped, execute the following on the command line as the system administrator:

C:> cd "\Program Files\IBM\clidriver\bin"
C:> db2cli install -setup

Use the Administrative tool "Data Sources (ODBC)" to ensure that the driver is installed properly. If not, the command can be executed again. Since db2cli is not very verbose, it may be necessary to do it again. Also, note that if you run it as a regular user, it will display the success message but the installation does not occur.

Ensure that all components are using the same bit-level. For 32-bit PHP, all drivers must be in 32-bit. For 64-bit, all drivers must be in 64-bit. Also, ensure that php.ini contains "extension=php_odbc.dll" is included for Windows.

Once the installation is done successfully, you can then connect to DB2 using odbc_connect function as shown here:

$conn = odbc_connect('Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER - C_PROGRA~1_IBM_CLIDRI~1};'
      . 'Database=database;Hostname=hostname;Port=port;'
      , 'username', 'password');
if ($conn === False) {
    die("Failed to connect: " . odbc_errormsg() . "\n");
$res = odbc_exec($conn, 'SELECT 9 AS NUM FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1');
if ($res === False) {
    echo "Exec failed: " . odbc_errormsg() . "\n";
Number of fields: <?php echo odbc_num_fields($res); ?>  
Field name: <?php echo odbc_field_name($res, 1); ?>   
$val = odbc_result($res, 1);

From here, all of the ODBC functions may be used to interact with DB2.

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